Ryder-Cheshire Foundation, Australia
Ryder-Cheshire Australia (RCA) has close links with two overseas homes – in northern India (Raphael), and in Timor-Leste (Klibur Domin). RCA provides financial support and volunteers to work at the homes.
There are three autonomous homes in Australia: one in Ivanhoe Victoria, and two in Mount Gambier South Australia.
Separately incorporated Foundations in NSW, South Australia and Victoria operate autonomously and there is a regional Support Group in Ballarat, Victoria. Overall policy is co-ordinated by the RCA Board which meets several times a year. It also convenes a Biennial Conference for all supporters.
RCA, its Foundations and Support Group are run entirely by volunteers at all levels, ensuring 100% of all donations reach the intended recipients and programs. It is an organisation that is making a real difference to the lives of people who are sick, have a disability, or are destitute; with a proven record of achieving its goals for over fifty years.
For more information, https://ryder-cheshire.org/