Project funding
The Trust gives grants to make a difference to the lives of individuals
Our approach is flexible, but we require projects to be of the highest quality and particularly to the benefit of the vulnerable and disadvantaged.
Projects should have potential to benefit more than just a local scheme, by encouraging funding and involvement from other organisations. Some of these projects may even be difficult to fund. Areas of interest to the trust are, for example, care for the sick and dying, disability, poverty, homelessness, unemployment, social welfare, the promotion of religious belief and education.
Exceptional applications outside these areas may be considered.

The Trustees meet four times a year to consider applications. Please submit applications by the 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October.
Project funding details
We support:
General running and core costs (time limit applied).
Capital costs for buildings and equipment.
Various project costs and some overhead costs.
Projects which are likely to roll into other funding sources.
We do not support:
General appeals
Repayments of debts
Emergency funding
Apply for funding
We do not normally support organisations which have received funding from the Trust in the last two years.
Projects supported
Our approach is flexible, but we require projects to be of the highest quality and particularly to the benefit of the vulnerable and disadvantaged.

The Spitz
The Trust is pleased to support The Spitz which takes professional musicians into care homes and adult day centres, using the power of live music to increase wellbeing while reducing isolation and loneliness.

Marches Family Network
The Trust is pleased to support the Play Project which provides one-to-one support to children and young people with complex disabilities.

Bridges to Belarus is a small, UK-based charity which supports 800 children in the Rogachev region of southern Belarus, who are all affected by the Chernobyl disaster. Many experience medical consequences of the Chernobyl disaster but all suffer from the social implications and poverty that affects the region due to the radiation.